
Geomagnetic reversal

Other Names:
Reversal of Earth's magnetic field
Axis shift of Earth
At present the north-seeking end of a compass points approximately in the direction of the North Pole but paleomagnetic studies have shown that the Earth's magnetic field has been reversed in the past so that the same compass needle would have pointed south. Since the geomagnetic field normally helps to shield the Earth's surface from low-energy radiation, reversals permit a higher incidence of radiation to reach the surface, possibly causing extinctions and mutations. The more highly specialized species would be more vulnerable to such changes. Some bird migration patterns would be severely affected.
Around 440 million years ago the land that is now the Sahara was at the South Pole. When continental land masses are located over the poles, huge ice sheets readily form. Massive continental glaciers significantly chill both oceanic currents and the atmospheric circulation, cooling down the whole planet.
Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
GOAL 15: Life on Land
Problem Type:
F: Fuzzy exceptional problems
Date of last update
04.10.2020 – 22:48 CEST