
Extremist voluntary movements

Other Names:
NGO fundamentalism
Exclusive purist beliefs of members of non-government organizations
Militant NGO movements
The strength of beliefs in certain discretionary causes can give rise to excessive or extremist behaviour. People who do not agree with the movement's views are excluded, and even condemned, vilified or harmed.
Recent examples are the willingness of members of environmental organizations to engage in illegal, even criminal behaviour, such as entering high security military compounds, or to take great personal risk, such as chaining themselves to trees which are to be removed by heavy equipment, or placing themselves in rubber dinghys between whaling boats and whales. Another example is the murder in 1993 of a USA doctor who performed abortions by an anti-abortion activist.
Social Activity Nongovernmental
Social Activity Voluntary
Societal Problems Deprivation
Defence Military
Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
GOAL 1: No PovertyGOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
Problem Type:
F: Fuzzy exceptional problems
Date of last update
18.06.2001 – 00:00 CEST