

Experimental visualization of narrower problems
Other Names:
Idolatrous worship

Idolatry, in monotheistic traditions, is the worship of something or someone other than God in place of God. It is the substitution of symbols from everyday life for the growing, evolving, progressing concepts, sentiments and ideals which should inspire human society and individuals. Idolatry may take the overt form of the worship of, for instance, the sun, a king, an animal, or a statue. It may be less overt in the sense of an object of devotion and desire which is seen as the ultimate source of good and reason for living. Nationalism or materialism or even extreme forms of family devotion can be classed as idolatry in this sense.


There is a long tradition of incorporating gargoyle-like figures into major structures, especially cathedrals. In 1989, a troll-like figure was incorporated into the structure of San Francisco's repaired Bay Bridge (following its partial destruction by earthquake) in order to enhance future safety. It has been argued that certain contemporary belief systems can encourage idolatry -- such as when Judaism is perceived as a corporate obsession with the idolatries that vie for the loyalty of a people chosen to serve a jealous God and when for Jews both socialism and Zionism become such idols.

Worshipping idols
Problem Type:
F: Fuzzy exceptional problems
Date of last update
04.10.2020 – 22:48 CEST