Human Development


Those inhabiting the [kamaloka], the lowest of the [triloka] or realms of which the universe is comprised, have an awareness of which desire towards objects of sense and joy at satisfaction of such desire is a characteristic. Five kinds of desire are defined, which relate to the five organs of sense - smell, taste, sight, touch and hearing.
One of the five hindrances on the spiritual path - [nivarana]. One of three kinds of craving - [trisna]. As [kama-trisna], the fourth of the ten fetters which, in Hinayana Buddhism, bind the individual to this cycle. Together with craving for existence - [bhava-trisna] - and craving for annihilation of the self, constitutes the second of the four noble truths, [pratiya samutpada]. Together with [rupa-trisna] (craving for fine-material form) and [arupa-trisna] (craving for existence beyond form), related to the [triloka] - three worlds.<