ViolationViolationsBroaderRightness-WrongnessPresentableEnergy-ModerationPresentableProblemViolation of women's rightsExcellentViolation of the rights of male homosexualsExcellentUncontrolled satellite broadcastingExcellentDiscrimination against LGBT peopleExcellentDiscrimination against lesbiansExcellentDenial of rights of patients suffering from mental illnessExcellentDenial of human rightsExcellentViolations of private lawPresentableViolations of operating instructionsPresentableViolations of health and safety regulationsPresentableViolations of contract lawPresentableViolation of trade union rightsPresentableViolation of the rights of sexual minoritiesPresentableViolation of sacred sitesPresentableViolation of rights of transsexualsPresentableViolation of regulatory codesPresentableViolation of medical confidentialityPresentableViolation of immunities of international civil servantsPresentableViolation of civil rightsPresentableViolation of amnestyPresentableUnfulfilled treaty obligationsPresentableTorture by violation of taboosPresentableSuspension of rights during states of emergencyPresentableSubstandard housing and accommodationPresentableSecurities and commodities exchange violationsPresentablePolluted drinking waterPresentableInternational insecurityPresentableInfringement of rights of prisonersPresentableInadequate assistance to victims of human rights violationsPresentableExpropriation of land from indigenous populationsPresentableEnvironmental hazards of nuclear weapons industryPresentableEconomic crimePresentableDiscrimination against indigenous populationsPresentableDenial of rights to studentsPresentableDenial of right to collective bargainingPresentableDebt slaveryPresentableCovert transfer of strategic technologyPresentableBanking law violationsPresentableAbsence of agreed minimum wagePresentableViolation of the rights of unborn childrenYet to rateViolation of the integrity of creationYet to rateViolation of human rights by technological developmentYet to rateViolation of dignity of human workYet to rateUndocumented violations of human rightsYet to ratePremature exoneration of human rights abusesYet to rateMisinformation concerning infringement of human rightsYet to rateInternationally non-cooperative governmentsYet to rateFailure of disarmament and arms control effortsYet to rateDisregard for internationally imposed economic sanctionsYet to rateDenial of right to freedom from double jeopardyYet to rateDenial of right to educational choiceYet to rateConnivance of authorities in human rights abusesYet to rateAbuse of cultural valuesYet to rateStrategyProtecting human rightsExcellentPreventing continuation of human rights violationsPresentablePreventing atrocious human rights violationsPresentableDeveloping early warning systems for human rights violationsPresentableViolating human rightsYet to rateUndermining governments abusing human rightsYet to rateUncovering violations against economic regulationsYet to rateUncovering covert violation of international treatiesYet to rateStudying stock-exchange and bourse related crimesYet to rateStudying factors facilitating human rights violationsYet to rateReviewing violation of rightsYet to rateRespecting rights of vulnerable groups during states of emergencyYet to rateReducing criminal violation of civil rightsYet to rateReducing collective amnesia concerning human rights violationsYet to rateProviding inadequate assistance to victims of human rights violationsYet to rateProtecting rights of sexual minoritiesYet to rateProtecting rights of prisonersYet to rateProsecuting serious violations of humanitarian rightsYet to ratePreventing patent violationsYet to rateMonitoring violation of international peaceYet to rateMonitoring violation of freedom from bond serviceYet to rateMonitoring human rights violationsYet to rateMonitoring government involvement in human rights violationsYet to rateMonitoring compliance violations of hazardous waste export/import lawsYet to rateInvestigating human rights violationsYet to rateInforming about unsafe waterYet to rateInforming about infringement of human rightsYet to rateImproving assistance to victims of human rights violationsYet to rateExposing violations of private lawYet to rateExposing violations of human rightsYet to rateExposing violations against firearms and explosives lawsYet to rateExposing violation of trade union rightsYet to rateExposing violation of the integrity of creationYet to rateExposing violation of student's rightsYet to rateExposing violation of rights under state of emergencyYet to rateExposing violation of rights of vulnerable groups during states of emergencyYet to rateExposing violation of rights of indigenous peoplesYet to rateExposing violation of right of legal reviewYet to rateExposing violation of regulatory codesYet to rateExposing violation of property rightsYet to rateExposing violation of political processesYet to rateExposing violation of land rights of a peopleYet to rateExposing violation of international export controlsYet to rateExposing violation of human rights by technological developmentYet to rateExposing violation of entrepreneurial activitiesYet to rateExposing violation of civil rightsYet to rateExposing violation of amnestyYet to rateDiscrediting laws in violation of human decencyYet to rateDiscrediting allegations of rights violationsYet to rateCooperating in eliminating human rights violationsYet to rateCommemorating human rights violationsYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesSubjectSocietal problems ยป MaltreatmentContent qualityYet to rateย Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024