Self-denialBroaderUnselfishness-SelfishnessPresentableTemperance-IntemperancePresentableResolution-IrresolutionPresentableEnergy-ModerationPresentableChastity-IndecencyPresentableProblemViolation of the rights of male homosexualsExcellentRejection of refugeesExcellentHuman tortureExcellentExcessive hours of workExcellentDiscrimination against women in employmentExcellentDiscrimination against women before the lawExcellentDiscrimination against womenExcellentDiscrimination against LGBT peopleExcellentDiscrimination against lesbiansExcellentDeteriorating quality of lifeExcellentDenial of the right to medical consentExcellentDenial of social rightsExcellentDenial of right to sufficient shelterExcellentDenial of right to sufficient foodExcellentDenial of right to educationExcellentCriminalization of euthanasiaExcellentAtheismExcellentAge discrimination in employmentExcellentVulnerable childrenPresentableViolation of the rights of sexual minoritiesPresentableViolation of rights of transsexualsPresentableViolation of civil rightsPresentableUnlawful interference with rights of innocent passage in territorial watersPresentableUnequal property rights for womenPresentableUnequal pay for womenPresentableUnderprivileged religious minoritiesPresentableStatelessness of womenPresentableSilence about historical situationsPresentableSecularizationPresentableRestrictions on recognition of nationalityPresentableRestrictions on private economic expansionPresentableRestrictions on freedom of movement among countriesPresentableRestrictions on freedom of informationPresentableRestriction of freedom of expressionPresentableRestriction of access to news distribution mediaPresentableReservation overbookingPresentableRefusal to provide medical treatmentPresentableRefusal to market new drugsPresentableMalnutrition among indigenous peoplesPresentableLimited artistic expressionPresentableLack of press freedomPresentableLack of legal aid facilitiesPresentableLack of funerals for dead foetusesPresentableInternment without trialPresentableInsufficient primary educationPresentableInfringement of rights of prisonersPresentableInadequate welfare services for the deafPresentableInadequate housing among indigenous peoplesPresentableInadequate community care for transient urban populationsPresentableImpediments to marriagePresentableHuman denial of deathPresentableGovernment harassment of human rights activistsPresentableForced marriagePresentableFailure to profit from patterns of historyPresentableExpulsionPresentableDisruption of territorial integrityPresentableDiscrimination against women in parental rightsPresentableDiscrimination against women in educationPresentableDiscrimination against men in parental rightsPresentableDiscrimination against indigenous populationsPresentableDiscrimination against illegitimate childrenPresentableDiscrimination against domestic servantsPresentableDeterioration of human environmentPresentableDenial to working animals of restorative nourishment and restPresentableDenial to experimental animals of the right to freedom from sufferingPresentableDenial to animals of the right to freedom from mass killingPresentableDenial to animals of the right to dignityPresentableDenial to animals of the right to conditions of life and liberty proper to their speciesPresentableDenial of trade union rights to public employeesPresentableDenial of the right to social security in capitalist systemsPresentableDenial of the right to procreate to the severely mentally handicappedPresentableDenial of the right to procreatePresentableDenial of the right to informPresentableDenial of the right of trade union associationPresentableDenial of the right of healthPresentableDenial of the right of associationPresentableDenial of rights to vulnerable groupsPresentableDenial of rights to studentsPresentableDenial of rights to disabledPresentableDenial of rights of ethnic minoritiesPresentableDenial of rights of animalsPresentableDenial of right to workPresentableDenial of right to leave any countryPresentableDenial of right to freedom of religion of indigenous peoplesPresentableDenial of right to freedom from cruel, inhumane or degrading punishmentPresentableDenial of right to collective bargainingPresentableDenial of right of peoples to use their own languagePresentableDenial of right of juvenile criminals to segregation from adult criminalsPresentableDenial of right of indigenous peoples to participate in political processesPresentableDenial of right of family planningPresentableDenial of right of complaintPresentableDenial of right of assemblyPresentableDenial of religious libertyPresentableDenial of religion in communist systemsPresentableDenial of human rights in the administration of justicePresentableDenial of human rights in capitalist systemsPresentableDenial of human rights in armed conflictsPresentableDenial of health insurance to genetic groupsPresentableDenial of freedom of thought in communist systemsPresentableDenial of economic and social rights to refugeesPresentableDenial of democracy in communist systemsPresentableDenial of defendant's right of silencePresentableDenial of adequate medical care to skilled labourPresentableDenial of access to people in needPresentableDenial of academic freedomPresentableDebt slaveryPresentableConfusion of paternityPresentableBirth traumaPresentableAgeismPresentableAbsence of agreed minimum wagePresentableUnproven relationships among problemsYet to rateUnequal promotionYet to rateTorture through denial of sanitary facilitiesYet to rateSuspension of habeas corpusYet to rateRestricted higher educationYet to rateRepudiation of eternal lifeYet to rateProtective objectificationYet to rateNihilismYet to rateLimited leisure timeYet to rateLimitations on right to voteYet to rateLessening regard for the sanctity of marriageYet to rateLack of political independenceYet to rateLack of individual rights to political asylumYet to rateInaccessible historical librariesYet to rateInaccessibility of countryside to city dwellersYet to rateEnforced vaccinationYet to rateDenial to animals of the right to the attention, care and protection of humankindYet to rateDenial to animals of the right to lifeYet to rateDenial of transcendent truthYet to rateDenial of the rights of foetusesYet to rateDenial of the right to return to country of residenceYet to rateDenial of the right to health for indigenous populationsYet to rateDenial of the right to dieYet to rateDenial of the HolocaustYet to rateDenial of rites to the deadYet to rateDenial of rights to robotsYet to rateDenial of rights of inanimate objectsYet to rateDenial of right to manifest religionYet to rateDenial of right to libertyYet to rateDenial of right to inherit propertyYet to rateDenial of right to freedom from double jeopardyYet to rateDenial of right to educational choiceYet to rateDenial of right to develop as human beingsYet to rateDenial of right to cultural identityYet to rateDenial of right to choose moral and religious educationYet to rateDenial of right to benefits of scienceYet to rateDenial of legal representationYet to rateDenial of freedom of thoughtYet to rateDenial of dangerYet to rateDenial of access to newsYet to rateCriminalization of abortionYet to rateStrategyReducing denial of equal property rightsYet to rateCountering denial of dangerYet to rateSDGMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesSubjectSocietal problems » DeprivationIndividuation » IndividuationContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024