MisguidanceMisguidedBroaderSkilfulness-UnskilfulnessPresentableIntelligence-UnintelligencePresentableExpedience-InexpediencePresentableEducation-MiseducationPresentableCommunicativeness-UncommunicativenessPresentableProblemMisguided advocacy of fashionable valuesExcellentGender inequalityExcellentUntested use of hormonesPresentableMismatch between theory and practical realityPresentableInappropriate policiesPresentableTrivialization of libertyYet to rateOversimplificationYet to rateMisguided restoration of works of artYet to rateMisguided legal adviceYet to rateMiseducationYet to rateLoss of spiritual guidanceYet to rateInadequate adult guidanceYet to rateDiscrimination against unattractive animalsYet to rateBiased expertiseYet to rateStrategySupporting right to vocational guidanceYet to rateStrengthening role of UNEP in the follow-up to UNCED and in implementing Agenda 21Yet to rateSetting precedents for responsible civic behaviourYet to rateRequiring skilled guidance of production systemsYet to rateReceiving spiritual directionYet to rateProviding guidance on control technology for marine pollution from land-based sourcesYet to rateLimiting social guidance by the older generationYet to rateLearning from the wildYet to rateHonouring wisdom of the elderlyYet to rateGiving religious counsellingYet to rateGiving guidanceYet to rateExpanding inclusive childhood guidanceYet to rateSDGMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesSubjectEducation » Vocational guidanceContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024