IncapabilityIncapacityBroaderSkilfulness-UnskilfulnessPresentablePreparedness-UnpreparednessPresentablePower-ImpotencePresentableIntelligence-UnintelligencePresentableProblemImbalance in strategic armsExcellentUnbalanced application of communications technologyPresentableProliferation of manufacturing capability of chemical weaponsPresentableIrrelevant institutionsYet to rateInfluencelessnessYet to rateIncapacityYet to rateInadequate negative capabilityYet to rateAnhedoniaYet to rateStrategyStrengthening capability of developing countries in export promotionExcellentStrengthening scientific and technological capacityPresentableMaximizing local agricultural storagePresentableConducting technology assessmentsPresentableBuilding technological capabilityPresentableUndertaking surveys on land capability for afforestationYet to rateUnbalancing strategic armsYet to rateTolerating uncertaintyYet to rateSupporting biosystematic capabilityYet to rateStrengthening national capability to assess global climate changeYet to rateStrengthening forestry education and trainingYet to rateReducing military capabilityYet to rateReducing limitation of communication by illiteracyYet to rateProviding essential power to use material resourcesYet to ratePreparing detailed land capability inventories as basis for sustainable land managementYet to rateMobilizing resources from the informal sectorYet to rateLimiting ability to recognize ecological limitsYet to rateIncreasing scientific capability in coastal zonesYet to rateIncreasing institutional capability of developing countries on biotechnology safetyYet to rateImproving military capabilityYet to rateImproving management capability for medical careYet to rateImproving local capability for growing oilseed cropsYet to rateImproving farm managementYet to rateImproving capability for environmentally sound use of biotechnology in developing countriesYet to rateImproving capabilityYet to rateEstablishing earthmoving capabilityYet to rateEnlarging resource use capabilityYet to rateDeveloping warfare capabilityYet to rateDeveloping manpower capabilityYet to rateDeveloping electronic networking capabilityYet to rateCultivating new employable skillsYet to rateConsidering worker capabilityYet to rateBanning hazardous waste exports to countries lacking safe handling capabilityYet to rateBalancing strategic armsYet to rateAssessing capabilityYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024