DelayDelayedDelaysDelayingBroaderTimeliness-UntimelinessPresentableFacility-DifficultyPresentableProblemSocial hardships of economic reformExcellentFaltering structural adjustment in the world economyExcellentRefusal to issue travel documents, passports, visasPresentablePort delaysPresentablePolicy-making delaysPresentableOcean shipment delaysPresentableLatent problemsPresentableIneffective means for goods supply and distributionPresentableInadequate weed controlPresentableInaccessible religious recordsPresentableFailure to to observe contractual terms of paymentsPresentableExcessive burden on the poor due to legal delaysPresentableDisproportionately long prison sentencesPresentableDelays in international tradePresentableDelays in elaboration of remedial legislationPresentableDelays in delivery of books and publicationsPresentableDelayPresentableBureaucratic inactionPresentableArrears in financial payments between government agenciesPresentableAdministrative delaysPresentableRestrictive border controlsYet to rateReluctance to impose pollution taxesYet to rateProgressive reduction in government action commitmentYet to rateOverloaded party linesYet to rateObstruction of researchYet to rateNon-recognition of problemsYet to rateLimited acceptance of international treatiesYet to rateLag in policy conceptualizationYet to rateIntergovernmental failure to fulfil financial commitmentsYet to rateInadequate emergency servicesYet to rateInadequate community policingYet to rateInadequacy of postal servicesYet to rateImpaired wound healingYet to rateGovernment delaying tacticsYet to rateExcessive waiting times in government facilitiesYet to rateDeliberate delays in clearing financial transfersYet to rateDelays in planning authorizationYet to rateDelays in community building programmesYet to rateDelayed operation of urban servicesYet to rateDelayed development of regional plansYet to rateDelayed consequences of war-time imprisonment and deportationYet to rateDelayed abortionsYet to rateDelay of religions in acknowledging social problemsYet to rateDelay in societal impact of innovationYet to rateDelay in societal impact of educationYet to rateDelay in recognition of patentsYet to rateDelay in project implementationYet to rateDelay in obtaining property titlesYet to rateDelay in implementation of commitmentsYet to rateDelay in administration of justiceYet to rateCommunication delaysYet to rateCalculated delay in publication of documentsYet to rateBiased regulatorsYet to rateArrears in payment of government financial commitmentsYet to rateStrategySlowing pace of structural adjustmentPresentableReducing time to take actionPresentableIntroducing pollution-based tax systemPresentableUsing delayYet to rateTaking catholic actionYet to rateRelying on bureaucratic delaysYet to rateReducing waiting times in government facilitiesYet to rateReducing telephone delaysYet to rateReducing postal delaysYet to rateReducing policy-making delaysYet to rateReducing government delay in response to symptoms of problemsYet to rateReducing government action commitmentYet to rateReducing delays in researchYet to rateReducing delays in release of religious documentsYet to rateReducing delays in ratification of international treatiesYet to rateReducing delays in international tradeYet to rateReducing delays in hearing consumer complaintsYet to rateReducing delays in delivery of goods and servicesYet to rateReducing delays in delivery of goodsYet to rateReducing delays in delivery of books and publicationsYet to rateReducing delays in clearing financial transfersYet to rateReducing delays in civil litigationYet to rateReducing delays in approval of urgent regulationsYet to rateReducing delays in administration of medical careYet to rateReducing delays at border crossingsYet to rateReducing delaysYet to rateReducing delay in supply of agreed multilateral assistanceYet to rateReducing delay in societal impact of innovationYet to rateReducing delay in recognition of patentsYet to rateReducing delay in publication of documentsYet to rateReducing delay in project implementationYet to rateReducing delay in police response timeYet to rateReducing delay in payment of compensation for damagesYet to rateReducing delay in payment of billsYet to rateReducing delay in implementation of commitmentsYet to rateReducing delay in government reimbursementsYet to rateReducing delay in development of regional plansYet to rateReducing delay in benefits from reform in transition economiesYet to rateReducing delay in administration of justiceYet to rateReducing delay in administration of criminal justiceYet to rateReducing communication delaysYet to rateRaising awareness of delayed emergence of problemsYet to rateEngaging in legal prevaricationYet to rateDelaying the postYet to rateDelaying responseYet to rateDelaying researchYet to rateDelaying release of religious documentsYet to rateDelaying recognition of problemsYet to rateDelaying recognition of patentsYet to rateDelaying ratification of international treatiesYet to rateDelaying publication of documentsYet to rateDelaying project implementationYet to rateDelaying policy-makingYet to rateDelaying paymentsYet to rateDelaying payment of compensation for damagesYet to rateDelaying multilateral assistanceYet to rateDelaying introduction of tax on pollutionYet to rateDelaying international tradeYet to rateDelaying implementation of social changeYet to rateDelaying implementation of commitmentsYet to rateDelaying impact of innovationYet to rateDelaying delivery of goods and servicesYet to rateDelaying delivery of goodsYet to rateDelaying delivery of books and publicationsYet to rateDelaying decisionsYet to rateDelaying communicationYet to rateDelaying clearing financial transfersYet to rateDelaying building programmesYet to rateDelaying arbitration of consumer complaintsYet to rateDelaying approval of regulationsYet to rateDelaying administration of medical careYet to rateDelaying administration of justiceYet to rateDelaying administration of criminal justiceYet to rateDelaying acknowledgement of social problemsYet to rateDelaying access to social servicesYet to rateAvoiding bureaucratic delaysYet to rateAddressing delay of religions in acknowledging social problemsYet to rateAccelerating community building programmeYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesSubjectSocietal problems » DelayContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024