EmpoweringEffecting empowermentBroaderDeveloping principles of sustainabilityPresentablePromoting self relianceYet to rateNetworkingYet to rateEmpowering-IncapacitatingYet to rateNarrowerEnabling consumers' cooperativesExcellentStrengthening participation of women in sustainable development programmesPresentableFostering popular participation in developmentPresentableEmpowering womenPresentableDeveloping cooperativesPresentableCreating alternative societyPresentableReinventing elder's rolesYet to rateRe-empowering sacred objectsYet to rateEndowing religious symbols with meaningYet to rateEnabling political candidacyYet to rateEnabling economic cooperativesYet to rateEmpowering youthYet to rateEmpowering wedding conventionsYet to rateEmpowering unifying common symbolsYet to rateEmpowering suitable toolsYet to rateEmpowering staffYet to rateEmpowering renounceable relationship contractsYet to rateEmpowering popular leaderYet to rateEmpowering pollution control agenciesYet to rateEmpowering political changeYet to rateEmpowering police courtsYet to rateEmpowering people living with AIDSYet to rateEmpowering ordinary votersYet to rateEmpowering military commandYet to rateEmpowering menYet to rateEmpowering marriage contractYet to rateEmpowering local residentsYet to rateEmpowering lobbying proceduresYet to rateEmpowering legal baseYet to rateEmpowering judiciaryYet to rateEmpowering international organizationsYet to rateEmpowering individual engagementYet to rateEmpowering images with conscious beliefYet to rateEmpowering grassroots significanceYet to rateEmpowering government leaderYet to rateEmpowering formal schooling effortsYet to rateEmpowering formal agreementsYet to rateEmpowering flow of goodsYet to rateEmpowering family unitsYet to rateEmpowering divorce regulationsYet to rateEmpowering disenfranchisedYet to rateEmpowering customary articulations of the lawYet to rateEmpowering consensus proceduresYet to rateEmpowering comprehensive community meetingsYet to rateEmpowering community professionalsYet to rateEmpowering codified statutesYet to rateEmpowering citizens to challenge pollutersYet to rateEmpowering childrenYet to rateEmpowering arbitrated appealYet to rateEmpowering administrative directorYet to rateBreaking down social isolation of the elderlyYet to rateAssisting journalistsYet to rateAppointing advisory councilYet to rateFacilitatesImproving capabilityYet to rate ProblemInfluencelessnessYet to rateValueEmpowermentYet to rateMetadataDatabaseGlobal strategiesType(A) Abstract fundamental strategiesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 3, 2024