Newspaper and periodical censorship
- Ban on newspaper and periodical publishing
Restriction of ideas and information expressed in newspapers and journals may occur through editorial repression of articles; or raids on newspaper offices and confiscation of property; through the arrest and internment of journalists, especially to prevent them discovering information; and through refusal to open political meetings or trials to the press or refusal to issue information about political or governmental affairs. Violation of censorship may lead to imprisonment. Strict censorship may lead to the setting-up of an underground press and other subversive activities, or may induce political ignorance and apathy. Newspaper and journal censorship is particularly severe under political dictatorship and totalitarian regimes. In some countries, leading newspapers are subsidized or entirely supported by the government which carries the evil of information control to the doors of the state, but in several market economies large newspaper and communication channel chains have excessive controls over considerable numbers of outlets, and are able to dictate editorial policies to them.
Recently China banned issues of The World Economic Herald which criticized the Communist party. Kenya banned the magazine, the Financial Review for publishing articles about alleged corruption in the Kenyan government. Military commanders censor the news in the USA military newspaper, Stars and Stripes. In a 1993 declaration of national emergency, Russian president Boris Yeltsin initiated censorship on a dozen or more newspapers supporting Communist and far-right nationalist beliefs.