Excessive availability of contraceptives
- Deregulation of the sale of contraceptives
The provision of birth control information and supplies to young teenagers takes place in many countries without the permission of the children's parents. Coupled with sex education offered from childhood onwards, young people are positively encouraged to view the major ethical issue in sexuality as the extent to which contraception is effective.
Contraceptives should only be provided by a doctor. Going to a medical centre or private doctor means it is more likely that a woman will have checks on her blood pressure and other checks such as cervical smears and lifestyle counselling.
Contraception and abortion are inextricably bound together. Twenty years ago women were more resigned to unwanted pregnancy. As they have become more conscious of preventing conception, so they have come to request terminations when contraception fails, or in its place. There is overwhelming evidence that, contrary to what you might expect, the availability of contraception leads to an increase in the abortion rate.
Taking the oral contraceptive pill is far less dangerous to health than getting pregnant or smoking. The contraceptive pill should be sold direct to women in vending machines while cigarettes should be available on prescription. If the pill were taken off prescription, market competition would bring the price tumbling. The same should be done for post-coital contraceptives ("morning-after" pill).
Many women delay prescription renewal, run out of supplied and become pregnant.