Vibrant powers (ICA)
This state occurs when an individual experiences a sudden burst of power that is beyond his own physical and mental capabilities; he senses that his own capacity to decide and act is augmented in a way he does not understand and which is not of his own doing. It may compared to the movie "Flashdance", when the dancer appears before the judges and seems to dance as she has never danced before; or the movie "Rocky", when the boxer stands at the top of a flight of steps, looks over the city, and knows he is filled with a new kind of power. D H Lawrence writes of being like a "tiger bursting into sunlight". It is an experience of being intensely alive and filled with a new vitality and vibrant power.
A dimension of this experience is a sense of awe, that is fear and fascination. One fears that one is somehow being possessed, that one is losing control of one's life; and one wonders how long it will last. At the same time there is a fascination with the fact that one has never experienced doing this before. One wonders what it would mean to live one's whole life in this state. After such a time, having decided to abandon one's self to this power, one experiences a new confidence and a willingness to risk moments of "being possessed" again. One is ready for anything life might want to present.
This state is number 9 in the ICA Other World in the midst of this World.