1. Human development
  2. Total exposure (ICA)

Total exposure (ICA)


This state occurs when an individual experiences his entire life as known by an omniscient power; he senses that the deepest hidden places of his life are exposed, the best kept secrets are known and things never spoken of are now spoken – as if a voice were saying "all is known". It may compared to the state of consciousness of German people exposed to the Nazi concentration camps shortly after World War II, or to a parent who discovers for the first time that his children know they are being lied to.

A dimension of this experience is a sense of awe, that is fear and fascination. The fear state is that so much that is unacceptable is now known. All that one has conspired one's whole life to cover up is now exposed. The fascination is that it is no longer necessary to conspire to conceal the unspeakable; as if a burden is lifted and "at last it's out". The decision is that since one has nothing else to offer, one can claim the deeds one has; one's conscience is not one's own. After such a time one knows that there are no secrets; one can confront the darkest parts of one's own self and the task of really living actually begins.


This state is number 8 in the ICA Other World in the midst of this World.


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Human development
(M) Modes of awareness
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Last update
Oct 27, 2022