1. Human development
  2. Global guardianship (ICA)

Global guardianship (ICA)


In this state an individual discovers that he has taken the burden of caring forever for all of creation, and he knows it is exactly what he needed. When Albert Einstein wrote to President Roosevelt concerning the potential for developing the atomic bomb and the need for the United States to move ahead with this project before the enemy did so, he was taking this sort of responsibility.

A dimension of this experience is a sense of awe, that is fear and fascination. In acknowledging that the world has become his ward, the individual experiences deep paralysis at the enormity of the task and the realization that there is no escape from it, wondering if he can possibly handle it alone, but nevertheless fascinated by the destinal role he has been given and rejoicing in the burdensome responsibility that has been placed in his hands.

Being the global guardian entails the decision to put one's whole life into forging history with everything one has. One keeps taking charge, time after time after time, accepting the perpetual task and seeing one can never go back to anything less. There is no-one to blame and one invents the rules. Although the burden is always expanding one discovers a hidden ability to bear it.


This state is number 41 in the ICA Other World in the midst of this World.


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Human development
(M) Modes of awareness
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Last update
Oct 27, 2022