1. Human development
  2. Seventh-scriptural bodhisattva awareness (Buddhism, Tibetan)

Seventh-scriptural bodhisattva awareness (Buddhism, Tibetan)

  • Duramgama bhumi
  • Far reaching land


This state of awareness is characterized by the recognition of the need to work for the welfare of others, by the knowledge and means – upaya – which transform this need into actuality, and also by the spontaneous emergence of supreme artistic and literary skill. The stage is also called far reaching (duramgama). The bodhisattva has now outstripped the arhats and pratika buddhas in accomplishment, particularly by being in the state of "nirvana-in-motion". He is now a transcendent bodhisattva, able to manifest in any form. He remains in the samsara but transcends it, oscillating between the two conditions of experience: the fullness and the void. Once beyond this stage there is no returning to lower levels. To develop others he disregards their path – great vehicle, lesser vehicle, Tantra, etc. He creates his own pure land for them to dwell in and cultivate their spiritual life, planting them there like wheat; and shines on them with far-reaching light until the ears of grain ripen.


According to Tibetan Gelugpa Buddhism, the seventh level on the path appropriate to those working for the salvation of all, leading to Buddhahood and the ultimate consciousness. In Tibetan Sakya Buddhism, this is one of the states in the "Ascension Stages Game". In some sets it is numbered 86 on the board.


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Human development
(M) Modes of awareness
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Last update
Nov 3, 2022