1. Human development
  2. Knowledge of the path of stream entry (Buddhism)

Knowledge of the path of stream entry (Buddhism)

  • Shrota-apanna
  • Srotapanna


In Hinayana Buddhism this is the awareness of one who has accomplished the first level in the noble eightfold path - [aryamarga]

, by adhering either to faith or to doctrine - a [sraddhanusarin]

or a [dharmausarin]

. The first three of the ten fetters - [samyojana]

- have been overcome, and the stream enterer no longer believes in individuality, feels doubt or clings to rites and rituals. The state follows uninterruptedly from knowledge of change-of-lineage. The masses of greed, hate and delusion are pierced and exploded for the first time. The suffering of the round of rebirths is dried up. All doors to the states of loss are closed. The seven noble treasures - faith, virtue, conscience, shame, learning, generosity and understanding - are actually experienced. The eightfold wrong path is abandoned. Enmity and fear are allayed. It leads to the state of the breast-born son of the perfect Buddha. This is the first noble person. Supramundane path moment stream entry consciousness is followed by two or three fruition moment stream entry consciousnesses. This is the second noble person. There is thus still some way to go before liberation and at least seven further births must be experienced, although these will be into higher modes of being. If at this stage the practitioner is at least partially overcoming cravings and desires - [trisna]

and [kama]

- he may be in a state where only two or three rebirths are required before liberation.


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Human development
(M) Modes of awareness
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Last update
Dec 3, 2024