
Revitalizing bureaucratic bodies

Responsibly renewing present bureaucratic structures. The effect is to increase a grassroots participation in decisions.
An integral part of enabling participatory regulation by training the individual to enlarge his policy-making scope to a global level while participating at grassroots level; and by gathering, coordinating and distributing global information.
Tactics include: administrative liaison to set up communication networks and send indexed information; agency analysis to grid gathered data which will lift up inequities and create regulatory symbols; bureaucratic history to re-image the roles of bureaux, merchants, and tyrants so that the individual relates to bureaux as tools for everyman's benefit; administrative models to penetrate personnel by intentional employment placement and by exposure of present employees to new concepts; and service standards to review services expected and set up priorities.
Type Classification:
C: Cross-sectoral strategies
Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
GOAL 15: Life on Land