
Ritualizing covenantal relationships

Creating rites and ceremonies which will adequately symbolize the varied primal covenants of an individual. The effect is to provide him with a means of reminding himself of the significance of his life.
An integral part of remodelling celebrational life to give ultimate significance to the life of every local man.
Tactics include: community commonality to dramatize the fact that a given human grouping is one body with each part being necessary to the whole; family life to sustain the family by keeping it aware of the meaning and significance of its covenant; world interdependence to enable men to take global responsibility by rehearsing the interdependence in the world; societal organizations to bring about authentic participation in societal groups through understanding the role and importance of particular associations; and vocational stations to create a renewed vision of the crucial nature of vocational involvement in the global and local context. An example is a couple who took a ten day trip on their tenth wedding anniversary and spent each day recounting the relationship they had taken to each other and to their covenant during a particular year.
Type Classification:
D: Detailed strategies
Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions