
Promoting better business NGO relations

NGOs are a legitimate force in society. Their legitimacy stems from two fundamental rights: the freedom of expression and the right to assemble.
1. There is no doubt that as corporate power continues to grow, the number of NGOs will also grow, providing a necessary counterweight to business interests. In a best-case scenario, questions of legitimacy and accountability will eventually be settled and more constructive partnerships between business and NGOs will develop.

2. Nick Rosa, Senior Vice-President of the Monsanto Company in the USA, believes that business has a cyclical reaction to NGOs. They are first ignored, then despised, then reluctantly listened to, before, finally, businesses listen actively to NGOs and heed their messages.

Social Activity Nongovernmental
Communication Promotion
Commerce Business enterprises
Type Classification:
E: Emanations of other strategies
Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and ProductionGOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal