
Utilizing media systems

Using the media
Utilizing mass media
Involving mass media
Utilizing existing media
Tapping available media resources
Using all available media
Informing people in using audio-visual technology, publications and other media. The effect is the engagement of trained people in media techniques for wider participation of the populace in society.
An integral part of enabling community engagement though societal education, to allow the creative participation of each individual in world wide social structures.
Tactics include: audio systems to facilitate the efficient flow of community information; computer systems to monitor the efficient accumulation and dissemination of community wisdom and data; visual systems to impact the community visually with a new self-image; printed materials to build individual motivation to participate; and language systems to provide tools for language education programs. An example is video recording a workshop in which full participation of the group is broadcast that others may be seen as being trained in media techniques.
Type Classification:
D: Detailed strategies
Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
GOAL 4: Quality EducationGOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth