
Promoting private sector involvement in forest conservation

Foreign Ministers of the G-8 and representatives of the European Commission announced their approval of the G-8 Forest Action Program at the conclusion of their two day Ministerial meeting in London, May 9, 1998. The practical program will help sustainably manage and conserve forests in G-8 countries and around the world in ways that reflect environmental, ecological, social and economic values. The Action Program focuses on five areas: 1) to assess and monitor the state of the G-8's own forests, 2) to develop and implement strong national forest conservation programs, 3) to establish protected areas, 4) to take steps to eliminate illegal logging and illegal timber trade, and 5) to harness the resources of the private sector.
Communication Promotion
Government Private
Agriculture, Fisheries Forestry
Conservation Conservation
Type Classification:
F: Exceptional strategies
Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
GOAL 15: Life on Land