
Controlling rodent pests

In 1998, at the time of the rat population explosion in Vietnam, restaurateurs were ordered to take feline off the menu and the government outlawed cat exports to China. Trade in other natural rat predators, including snakes, owls and civet cats was curbed as well. In nightly TV broadcasts authorities urged families to keep cats as pets. Some provincial zoos set free their snakes and wild cats. Out in the countryside rat catchers could claim a bounty of up to 1,000 dong (about 10 US cents) for every tail they brought in.
1. Not cats, but more owls and snakes might help to cull the rat pack. Pythons are particularly well suited to the task.

2. Water companies should not bait sewers only when rat infestations are brought to their attention. Killing rats should be a preventive public health measure.

Counter Claim:
1. Dozens of diners a month who order feline aren't responsible for the rat population explosion.

2. If a rat epidemic is very bad nothing short of rat poison will do the trick.

3. Cats may keep home clear of vermin, but they are no match for field rats, which are often bigger than the cats themselves.

Type Classification:
E: Emanations of other strategies