
Paris syndrome

Other Names:
Jerusalem syndrome
Stendhal syndrome

Paris syndrome is a cluster of psychiatric symptoms exhibited by some individuals when visiting Paris, that can be viewed as a severe form of culture shock.

The syndrome is characterized by symptoms such as acute delusional states, hallucinations, feelings of persecution (perceptions of being a victim of prejudice, aggression, hostility from others), derealization, depersonalization, anxiety, as well as psychosomatic manifestations such as dizziness, tachycardia, sweating most notably, but also others, such as vomiting.

While the syndrome has been particularly noted among Japanese tourists, perhaps due to the way in which Paris has been idealised in Japanese culture, the syndrome has also affected travellers from other countries such as China, South Korea, and Singapore.

Broader Problems:
Culture shock
Problem Type:
G: Very specific problems
Date of last update
04.10.2020 – 22:48 CEST