
Shallow ecology policy

Other Names:
Superficial environmental policies
Shallow ecology policy goes so far as to recognize that the environmental crisis has to do with ecosystems, but it only attempts to find technical fixes to modify or moderate industrial environmental impacts. Such an approach embodies a "management of resources" ethic that sets humans apart and superior to the rest of the biophysical universe. Under this approach environmental systems are perceived as "goods" and hence become understood through the traditional economic frameworks of technocratic-industrial societies. It assumes that society can continue with the same forms of response and that no fundamental change in patterns of behaviour is required. For shallow ecology, for example, education is primarily public relations to make people aware that they must "shop green and recycle". Cost-benefit analyses fail to appreciate the multitude of intrinsic values in the natural world which are open to human life.
Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
GOAL 15: Life on LandGOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Problem Type:
F: Fuzzy exceptional problems
Date of last update
26.06.2018 – 09:37 CEST