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Threatened species of Crossopterygii
Experimental visualization of narrower problems
Other Names:
Threatened species of Coelacanthiformes
Threatened species of Coelacanths
Threatened species of Fringe finned fishes
Threatened species of Tassel finned fishes
Broader Problems:
Threatened species of Sarcopterygii
Narrower Problems:
Extinct species of Laugiidae
Extinct species of Uronemidae
Extinct species of Dipteridae
Extinct species of Porolepidae
Extinct species of Osteolepidae
Extinct species of Canowindridae
Extinct species of Rhizodopsidae
Extinct species of Powichthyidae
Extinct species of Rhizodontidae
Extinct species of Uranolophidae
Extinct species of Euporosteidae
Extinct species of Conchopomidae
Extinct species of Ctenodontidae
Extinct species of Coelacanthidae
Extinct species of Holoptychiidae
Extinct species of Sagenodontidae
Extinct species of Onychodontidae
Extinct species of Diplocercididae
Extinct species of Dipnorhynchidae
Extinct species of Hadronectoridae
Threatened species of Latimeriidae
Extinct species of Rhabdodermatidae
Extinct species of Panderichthyidae
Extinct species of Eusthenopteridae
Extinct species of Phaneropleuridae
Extinct species of Rhynchodipteridae
Threatened species of Ceratodontidae
Threatened species of Lepidosirenidae
Fish, Reptiles
Societal Problems
Endangered species
Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
Problem Type:
E: Emanations of other problems
Date of last update
25.02.2020 – 15:32 CET