
Social inadequacy of large buildings

A cathedral or church may be taken as an example of a large, but inviting building complex. Its various parts, the campanile, the altar, the nave, and so on are practical accommodations to its social purposes and groupings: the ministrants, the congregation, the choir, and the special services for weddings, funerals and baptisms. Similarly, a group of tribal huts or igloos are human too, because they also are a complex of buildings, not one centralized, mechanically assembled artefact imposing itself on human social structures. It is significant that the two entities that so often interfere with the individual's quality of life, namely government and the large corporations, have traditionally used the massive pilings of stone, steel and glass. This can be seen at the Kremlin and General Motors.
Broader Problems:
Socially inappropriate housing
Problem Type:
F: Fuzzy exceptional problems
Date of last update
04.10.2020 – 22:48 CEST