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Threatened species of Omphalotropis
Experimental visualization of narrower problems
Broader Problems:
Threatened species of Assimineidae
Narrower Problems:
Threatened species of Omphalotropis picta
Threatened species of Omphalotropis erosa
Threatened species of Omphalotropis suteri
Threatened species of Omphalotropis pilosa
Threatened species of Omphalotropis cookei
Threatened species of Omphalotropis mutica
Threatened species of Omphalotropis innesi
Threatened species of Omphalotropis cheynei
Threatened species of Omphalotropis elegans
Threatened species of Omphalotropis plicosa
Threatened species of Omphalotropis gracilis
Threatened species of Omphalotropis tumidula
Threatened species of Omphalotropis fragilis
Threatened species of Omphalotropis quadrasi
Threatened species of Omphalotropis suturalis
Threatened species of Omphalotropis laticosta
Threatened species of Omphalotropis laevigata
Threatened species of Omphalotropis exquisita
Threatened species of Omphalotropis guamensis
Threatened species of Omphalotropis elongatula
Threatened species of Omphalotropis ochthogyra
Threatened species of Omphalotropis latilabris
Threatened species of Omphalotropis striatapila
Threatened species of Omphalotropis semicostata
Threatened species of Omphalotropis submaritima
Threatened species of Omphalotropis howeinsulae
Threatened species of Omphalotropis albocarinata
Threatened species of Omphalotropis carolinensis
Threatened species of Omphalotropis hieroglyphica
Societal Problems
Endangered species
Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
Problem Type:
R: Rejected Provisionally
Date of last update
18.06.2018 – 10:43 CEST