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Threatened species of Bovidae
Experimental visualization of narrower problems
Other Names:
Threatened species of Antilocapridae
Threatened species of Antelopes
Threatened species of Cattle
Threatened species of Gazelles
Threatened species of Goats
Threatened species of Pronghorn antelopes
Threatened species of Sheep
Broader Problems:
Threatened species of Artiodactyla
Narrower Problems:
Threatened species of Bos
Threatened species of Oryx
Threatened species of Ovis
Threatened species of Capra
Threatened species of Saiga
Threatened species of Kobus
Threatened species of Bison
Threatened species of Ovibos
Threatened species of Redunca
Threatened species of Ourebia
Threatened species of Gazella
Threatened species of Bubalus
Threatened species of Pseudois
Threatened species of Procapra
Threatened species of Budorcas
Threatened species of Rupicapra
Threatened species of Aepyceros
Threatened species of Neotragus
Threatened species of Raphicerus
Threatened species of Oreotragus
Threatened species of Ammotragus
Threatened species of Hemitragus
Threatened species of Alcelaphus
Threatened species of Damaliscus
Threatened species of Capricornis
Threatened species of Tragelaphus
Threatened species of Naemorhedus
Threatened species of Antilocapra
Threatened species of Hippotragus
Threatened species of Cephalophus
Threatened species of Connochaetes
Threatened species of Syncerus caffer
Threatened species of Pelea capreolus
Threatened species of Okapia johnstoni
Threatened species of Ammodorcas clarkei
Threatened species of Litocranius walleri
Threatened species of Antilope cervicapra
Threatened species of Madoqua piacentinii
Threatened species of Addax nasomaculatus
Threatened species of Pantholops hodgsonii
Threatened species of Taurotragus derbianus
Threatened species of Dorcatragus megalotis
Threatened species of Antidorcas marsupialis
Threatened species of Pseudonovibos spiralis
Threatened species of Pseudoryx nghetinhensis
Threatened species of Boselaphus tragocamelus
Threatened species of Tetracerus quadricornis
Conserving wild cattle
Birds, Mammals
Cattle, ungulates
Societal Problems
Endangered species
Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
Problem Type:
G: Very specific problems
Date of last update
13.06.2018 – 10:32 CEST