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Threatened species of Pleurobema
Experimental visualization of narrower problems
Other Names:
Threatened species of Clubshell
Threatened species of Pigtoe
Broader Problems:
Threatened species of Unionidae
Narrower Problems:
Threatened species of Pleurobema clava
Threatened species of Pleurobema altum
Threatened species of Pleurobema verum
Threatened species of Pleurobema furvum
Threatened species of Pleurobema curtum
Threatened species of Pleurobema plenum
Threatened species of Pleurobema rubrum
Threatened species of Pleurobema collina
Threatened species of Pleurobema hagleri
Threatened species of Pleurobema decisum
Threatened species of Pleurobema rubellum
Threatened species of Pleurobema oviforme
Threatened species of Pleurobema cordatum
Threatened species of Pleurobema gibberum
Threatened species of Pleurobema johannis
Threatened species of Pleurobema avellanum
Threatened species of Pleurobema riddellii
Threatened species of Pleurobema pyriforme
Threatened species of Pleurobema perovatum
Threatened species of Pleurobema taitianum
Threatened species of Pleurobema marshalli
Threatened species of Pleurobema nucleopsis
Threatened species of Pleurobema georgianum
Threatened species of Pleurobema strodeanum
Threatened species of Pleurobema bournianum
Threatened species of Pleurobema flavidulum
Threatened species of Pleurobema murrayense
Threatened species of Pleurobema hanleyianum
Threatened species of Pleurobema beadleianum
Threatened species of Pleurobema troschelianum
Threatened species of Pleurobema chattanoogaense
Societal Problems
Endangered species
Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
Problem Type:
R: Rejected Provisionally
Date of last update
12.06.2018 – 15:42 CEST