
Increased surface runoff

Other Names:
Changes in water runoff

As a result of modelling of climate change, continental runoff is estimated to be more sensitive to changes in precipitation than temperature. For a 1øC warming it is estimated that there would be some decrease in runoff in North America and Europe but increases throughout much of the southern hemisphere. A 3-4øC warming would result in a global increase in runoff of 17-18 percent with only North America showing a slight decrease. Runoff from snowmelt may occur earlier in the year in higher latitudes reducing the runoff during the later spring and summer. In the Colorado river basin, a significant increase in potential evapotranspiration could cause a 20 percent reduction in runoff relative to precipitation and a 58 percent decrease in soil moisture storage. The change in the water balance could affect the composition of forests in the region.

Fundamental Sciences Mechanics
Hydrology Water
Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
Problem Type:
E: Emanations of other problems
Date of last update
18.04.2019 – 11:55 CEST