Patterns & Metaphors

Mythical artifacts

Symbolic objects that do not exist include implements associated with the gods, for example: Zeus' thunderbolt, Thor's hammer, Diana's bow, Cupid's arrow, Athena's spear; and also various other magical items, such as a magical mirror, shield, and sword, an inexhaustible cornucopia, Pandora's box, Orpheus' lyre, Pan's pipes, Neptune's trident, magic kettles, cauldrons and tripods, magic belts, rings and brooches, flying carpets, magic lamps, the Holy Grail, and flying saucers. Another class of mythic artifacts are human-made objects that never existed. These might include the Tower of Babel, Noah's ark, the Trojan Horse, the wings of Icarus, the automata of Daedalus, the Vimanas (air-ships) of the Hindu legends, the ancient city-state of Atlantis, and the mediaeval alchemists' powders of projection, elixirs or transmuted gold.
Modern examples of mythic human artifacts are alleged secret weapons and the amount of gold bars in Fort Knox, USA. Almost all mythic artifacts presented as symbols represent a wish for power.<