Patterns & Metaphors

Infernal beings

Other Names:
Symbolic non-human anthropomorphic beings are represented as dwelling in sub-terrestrial regions, in the earth's hollows or in its centre, and below the earth, i.e. in an inferior other-world or dimension.
The imagery of an anthropomorphic monster who rises from the bowels of the earth is a symbol produced out of the deep subconsciousness of modern man. It signifies the unleashing of a vast, almost limitless power from the inside of life and nature. It is, on the one hand, the power man has produced by pushing down his animal drives which now threaten to go unchecked. It is also the power arising from the dominations of one segment of mankind by another, and is the evil embodiment of that repression. Since all downward pressure meeting resistance creates energy and heat, the infernal regions have been represented often as hot hells tenanted by powerful devils and evil spirits. At the infernal (as opposed to the supernal) world-centre is said to be enthroned the Prince of Evil, who often represents the extreme of deviant moral energy.<