Patterns & Metaphors


Other Names:
Ornithological symbols
The diverse habitats, behaviour, and colours of birds allows them to provide a repertoire of symbols, much as the varieties of flowers do. Birds are still emblems for countries and ethnic groups, as, for example seen by the Gallic cock, the American eagle, and by the peacock among some Asian nations.
The aggressiveness of the cock and his association with the sun via his crowing at day-break; the solitary, high flight of the eagle; and the splendour of the peacock's colouring illustrate the characteristics which provide symbolism. Some birds have in common the fact that they are raptors, such as hawks, ospreys, eagles, and owls but each has distinctive traits. The hawk or falcon is a symbol of targeting, mission or control; the osprey or sea-hawk of discernment; the owl of knowledge gained in his night-study of nature, etc. Notable bird symbols have been the dove representing love, the Holy Spirit, and peace; and the wild gander representing mystical ecstasy. The black raven, associated with Apollo, has been a symbol of arcane wisdom.<