Patterns & Metaphors

Changing fashions

Fashion as the prevailing mode or pattern governs not only styles of clothing and accessories but also the appreciation accorded to styles of art, music, recreation, tourism and even academic research. Fashions change, and are encouraged to change, especially in the case of clothing. Hems rise only to fall again on some later occasion. Certain theoretical approaches lose favour only to be taken up again at a later time.
Amongst social groups certain issues or principles also become fashionable for a period during which they are the basis for intense activity, only to be abandoned in favour of more compelling alternatives. Later they may return to favour once again.
[Features] The non-rational subtlety of the aesthetic choices involved which appear to seek to heighten interest by exploring extremes and contrasts. Ideally the 'new' should shock and reinforce attempts to break with the 'old'.
[Contrast] With respect to ideas and conceptual approaches, such phrases as 'out of style', 'in vogue' and 'avant garde' are used. But there is much greater ability to discuss fashions as temporary fashions in domains such as clothing, than is possible with respect to issues in society where the uncritical attachment to particular issues is highly developed. There is also an expectation that the new fashions should be strikingly different from the old. The search for 'alternatives' may itself become fashionable.
[Keys] The nature of 'classical styles' less subject to the vagaries of fashion. The role of fashion leaders and the ease with which the 'fashion trade' is manipulated.<