Patterns & Metaphors


During the period of practice a particular skill is exercised often by focusing on its component parts. Weaknesses are detected and given special attention. Practice prepares for a subsequent period of performance during which the skill is used in its entirety.
The activities of individual groups in a society may be considered as forms of exercise relatively isolated from each other. Only under rare crisis conditions is it necessary for these group activities to interlink strongly in a coordinated protective or remedial action.
[Features] During practice the emphasis is on bringing weaknesses to light and on repetitive work on such weaknesses often in isolation from their context. During performance, weaknesses must necessarily be disguised and stress is placed on the coherence of the activity as a whole.
[Contrast] At the societal level practice is limited to military and civil defence exercises, trial run presentation meetings in large corporations, rehearsals for artistic performances, ceremonies and parades, as well for team sport practice. The approach is not applied to activities directly concerned with the development of society such as the organization of key meetings.
[Keys] Degree of informality possible in practice sessions. Degree of innovation possible in performance.<