Patterns & Metaphors

Identity papers

Other Names:
ID cards
An official documenta issued to individuals by civil or military governments or authorities indicating one's full name, birth date, nationality, and it alien, legal basis for presence in country. Residence, birth for presence in country. Residence, birth place, marital and military status, sex, dossier number and issuing authority with signature are additional customary data inscribed. For identification purposes a photograph of the individual is attached and officially stamped and the bearer must sign the document at the time of origination in the presence of the authorities (usually the police). Police, and in some cases certain military and civil agents, are legally empowered to demand to see identity parpers. Failure to produce leads to arrest. The issuance of identity papers can be a protection to an individual or it can be used to hinder his freedom. There has been a proposal to issue, in place of national I.D. cards, supranational ones, either regional (e.g. EEC) or global. This also would eliminate travel documents (passports visas, certificates, etc).