Patterns & Metaphors


In ritual magic the intonation or singing of formulae to achieve a specific purpose. In practice an incantation is not necessarily distinct from a magical evocation of a power (a subhuman or supernatural being) to effect something since the incantation is itself, perforce, an evocation of power, although this power is not necessarily a being. Some forms of incantation, by their practitioners, are believed to be efficacious because of their sounds. Other believers think incantations have force according to the strength of intention or will of their perfomers. Others see incantation as an integral part of ritual magic which only when practical in its fullness of deed, word and inner disposition is effective. A famous incantation recorded by Shakespeare begins 'Double, double, toil and trouble', fire burn and cauldron bubble'. A few contemporary rites in modern religions contain incantations or their vestiges. Incantations are sometimes referred to as 'numbo jumbo', which has been applied metaphorically to abstruse verbal expositions and scientific dialogue, especially whee authority or inspiration is invoked rather then reason.