Patterns & Metaphors

Incidental fragmental music

Music that is not integral to operatic, dramatic, choral, terpsichoric, recitative or other theatrical presentations is characterized frequently by its brevity, and by its fragmented, and sometimes synthetic nature. It is diversionary, or ornamental, or intended as an entrancement of non-musical elements. Sometimes great composers, inspired by dramatic masterpieces, have written overtures or incidental music interpretive of such work. In this category fall Beethoven (for Goethe's, Egmont), Mendelssohn (Shakespeare's Midsummer night Dream) and Grieg (Ibsen's Peer Gynt). But many others have tried this genre and composed trivia. The bulk of incidental music is arranged or composed for motion picture, video and television productions. Despite the hazards, music accompanying the different forms of theatre provides opportunities for genuinely creative expression and affords music a greater place in contemporary culture.