Patterns & Metaphors


Religions present certain words of power, formulas or short invocatory prayers to be used by their adherents. The Indo-European language origin for the word mantra, as for the word, man, is connected with the faculty of mind. Lore or spiritual knowledge is the collection of all mantrams, as in the Vedas. Knowledge of the mantrams is the possession of the mentor, priest or guru. Among the Judaic mantrams is the Shema (Hear O Israel...); the Christian includes the invocation of the (one) Name of the Father, Son and 'Spiritus Sancti'; the Moslem, the 'bismillah'; the Buddhist, the 'Gayatri', and the Zorastrian, the 'Ahuna Vairya'. Mantrams may or may not include a Name of God. The mantrams, amen and om, are used by religions that represent well over one quarter of mankind. The mentor's responsibility is to present the appropriate words of meaning and of power to the individuals in his or her spiritual charge. However, inappropriateness, meaninglessness and impotency now characterize most of the mantrams of traditional religion. Secular mantrams include, 'Liberty, equality and fraternity' and other national, political and ideological slogans, some of which have been invested with considerable force. Reliance on mantrams can lead individuals to religious and political apathy, incapable of either logical analysis or of action.