Patterns & Metaphors

Consultation conferencing

Other Names:
Diagnostic conferencing
A meeting between a local action group and other regional, national or international agencies representing various fields of expertise. The aim of the conference is to diagnose the situation confronting the local group and to assist in the creation of a plan of action for them to appropriately deal with their situation. The "external" agencies contribute their experience and expertise, the local group its commitment, local knowledge, local wisdom and experience. The "external" perspective introduces a new perspective and is outside the local system.
[Advantages] The importance of this kind of multisector coalition is more than the pooling of material experience and expertise. The presence of people who are outside the local system and are without direct vested interest and involvement is an intervention which allows the local system itself to change and this can release new energy into the problem-solving process.
[Disadvantages] The power, influence and large material resources that appear to be in the control of the external agencies seen from the local perspective, can distract the local group from recognizing its own potential and in turn affect their participation in the consultation towards manipulating the external consultants into solving their problem, thus tending to "learn" dependency.