Patterns & Metaphors

Conferencing as an energy sink

Other Names:
Conferencing as dissipation
A great deal of energy in various forms and from a variety of sources goes into conferencing. Many participants, and most organizers, leave a conference drained and exhausted in spite of their exhilaration. It can be felt that this energy is wastefully dissipated and that it should be employed more usefully. Yet the dissipation of energy is not always a wasteful exercise. Particularly in times of conflict and hostility transformative conferencing can provide a way to dissipate anger, aggression, and the heat of the friction as two opposing forces meet. In every conference there is dissipation of energy: the dissipation of accumulated knowledge, concepts, and perspectives; all the effort that goes into the preparation and distribution of papers and other means of communication most of which appear to be largely futile; the anxiousness to be able to contribute and get one's voice heard. Even this kind of energy dissipation, as wasteful as it may appear, can have the effect of clearing the ground; providing room for preparation to begin on the next project and the development of fresh perspectives. Energy dissipation of this form is rather like the leaves falling from trees in autumn. The trees may appear to be dead and indeed some may be dying but for most it is a natural cyclical process providing the way for new growth.