Patterns & Metaphors

Dynamic tensions

Several levels of dynamic tensions are to be considered. The first level might be called the conceptual framework of the conference. This level has several parts: the method of the conference and the operating image of organizers and participants of the topic being discussed. If the operating image of organizers and participants is that the conference topic can only be conceived as a polarity i.e. good and bad, yes or no, etc., then diversity results in direct conflict and there is little that can be done to avoid it. If the conference topic can be conceived as a variety of alternative perspectives coming to a best of possible solutions, in which all sides win or at least lose somewhat equally, then there are greater possibilities for diversity within a unifying image and task.
The third level of the dynamic tension has to do with organization. If the organization of the conference encourages interchange among different perspectives and kinds of expertise, then unifying decisions are more likely. If within small groups all major perspectives are represented, then the decisions of the small group will more likely represent the decisions of the whole body. If the organization encourages isolation of divergent views from each other or direct conflict among irreconcilable perspectives without the possibility of change, then the process will likely break down.
The method and organization of the conference determine to a large extent the capacity of the participants to create unifying images and to maintain diversity. If the methods encourage dialogue from multiple perspectives, enable decisions that unify and honour diversity within a common framework then there are more likely to be common directions. If the methods polarize discussions, emphasize disagreement and maximize disunity then there is more likely to be a breakdown in the process of the event.