Human Development

Asamprajnata samadhi

Existence is transcended in this, the highest superconscious state, in which the subject is not conscious of the object of concentration, and both mind and ego-sense appear to be dissolved. In contrast with [samprajnata samadhi], the [klesa] (afflictions) and [vasana] (desires) are overcome and extinguished, there is not even a seed of thought left - [nirbija samadhi]. Although in a sense comparable with deep sleep, the two are in fact opposites, the one being dominated by [tamas], the [guna] of inertia, while in the other tamas is obliterated. Possibly equated with the vedanta [nirvikalpa samadhi], this is the state of [turiya], pure being; although it has also, paradoxically, also been called waking sleep, as there is awakening to [self-awareness].
Three gunas