Human Development


Self-actualizing individuals, namely those who are more mature and more fully human, are by definition already suitably gratified in their basic needs. Self-actualizing people do not (for any length of time) feel anxiety-ridden, insecure, unsafe, alone, ostracized, rootless, unlovable, rejected, etc. They are therefore no longer primarily motivated by such basic needs but rather by higher motives and needs, termed metaneeds and metamotivations respectively.
Metamotivations include: delight in bringing about justice, delight in stopping cruelty, fighting lies and untruths, love of virtue being rewarded, enjoyment of happy endings and completions, dislike of sin and evil being rewarded, enjoyment of doing good, avoidance of publicity and honours, enjoyment of peace and calm, response to challenge in a job, attraction to unsolved problems, enjoyment in bringing about law and order, enjoyment in bringing about happiness, enjoyment of responsibility, enjoyment of greater efficiency and elegant work operations, and enjoyment and acceptance of the world as it is.