Human Development

Sarvodaya concept

This movement, which is a descendent of the programme of construction in India started by Gandhi, seeks to develop the individual as a participant in an all-embracing development of his community which takes place through the willing sharing of human and material resources in that community. The keynote is human development rather than economic development. By means of harmonious, local, decentralized structures which allow the individual to participate in decisions which affect him, community consciousness is reinforced through autonomous, self-reliant development, with simple technology appropriate to the situation.
Extending the concept to welfare at all levels, the individual cannot be realized or awakened unless he or she cares for the awakening of others and they will not awaken unless the individual awakens. There is no individual development at any level without working for all that brings humans together, for harmony among races and among religions, and for freedom from poverty, whether material, mental or spiritual.