Human Development

General semantics

General semantics is a discipline whose aims are to explain to individuals how to use their nervous systems most efficiently and to provide training toward that end. It involves the formulation of a non-aristotelian system of orientation. The methods used focus on psychosomatic factors which help to balance and integrate the functions of the nervous system. They eliminate or alleviate: different semantogenic blockages; many emotional disturbances (including some neuroses and psychoses), various learning, reading, or speech difficulties; and general maladjustments in professional and personal life. The structure and form of language may be said to some extent to determine the perception of reality of the speaker. Neurotic behaviour is held to stem from a lack of clear understanding in the use of words and their meanings. Therapy consists primarily in teaching individuals correct word habits to replace previously acquired faulty orientation. The individual is then able to use symbols efficiently, to think critically about his values and lifegoals, and to substitute reality oriented ends and means for self-defeating patterns.
The misuse of [neuro-linguistic] and [neuro-semantic] mechanisms is said to be a major reason for deterioration in human values. In general semantics, the main emphasis is placed on non-identification, or the elimination of erroneous identifications in relating to and defining the objects of perception. Man is conceived as a [time-binder], stratifying reality into many orders of abstraction and comprehending the chain of past-present-future. This results in the ability and the desire to transmit ideas from generation to generation through the study and refinement of language. Realization of such stratification of reality is held to eliminate identification, leading to consciousness of the abstracting process and enlargement of the field of consciousness in general. Training in consciousness of abstracting provides a simple psychophysiological means by which to integrate the functioning of the human nervous system and for the consequent elimination of many human difficulties.