ViolenceViolentBroaderLeniency-CompulsionPresentableKindness-UnkindnessPresentableEnergy-ModerationPresentableCongratulation-EnvyPresentableProblemWarExcellentViolent sports fansExcellentViolence on screenExcellentViolence against womenExcellentPersonal physical insecurity of womenExcellentCulture of violenceExcellentYouth violencePresentableViolent revolutionPresentableViolent interactive toysPresentableViolent death of young peoplePresentableViolence as entertainmentPresentableViolence as a resourcePresentableViolence along internal bordersPresentableViolence against prostitutesPresentableUnethical sporting practicesPresentableStructural violencePresentableStress and trauma in a context of civil violencePresentableSocially disruptive effects of video gamesPresentableSexual violencePresentableRape by military personnelPresentableRacial intimidationPresentablePsychotic violencePresentablePolitical violencePresentablePolice brutalityPresentablePhysical maltreatment of childrenPresentablePersonal covert himsaPresentablePassive resistancePresentableNon-violent political revolutionPresentableNeurological ragePresentableMassacresPresentableIntimidation in educational institutionsPresentableHuman violencePresentableHazards from live animalsPresentableGang warfarePresentableFamily violencePresentableEthnic conflictPresentableDiscrimination against the disabledPresentableDangerous sporting activityPresentableDangerous pet animalsPresentableCivil violencePresentableChildhood aggressionPresentableBorder incidents and violencePresentableAggressive animalsPresentableAbuse of native peoplesPresentableViolent picketingYet to rateViolent demonstrationsYet to rateViolence in the work placeYet to rateViolence in comic booksYet to rateUnreported violenceYet to rateUnparliamentary behaviourYet to rateUnion monopoly and violenceYet to rateTemperature aggressionYet to rateReligious legitimation of violenceYet to ratePsychological aggressionYet to rateNon-violent weaponsYet to rateMountain wavesYet to rateInternet rapeYet to rateIndiscriminate violenceYet to rateIncitement to violenceYet to rateComplicity with structural injusticeYet to rateBiologically determined aggressionYet to rateAlcohol-related violence against womenYet to rateAlcohol-related violenceYet to rateAcceptance of violenceYet to rateStrategyReducing racist violencePresentableEliminating violence against womenPresentableAssisting victims of sexual violencePresentableUsing structural violenceYet to rateUsing border violenceYet to rateRestraining dangerous animalsYet to rateResolving violent conflictsYet to rateResisting police intervention in meetingsYet to rateResisting domestic violenceYet to rateResearching violent crimeYet to rateReporting violenceYet to rateReducing youth violenceYet to rateReducing violent play in sportsYet to rateReducing violence in parliamentary assembliesYet to rateReducing violence as entertainmentYet to rateReducing violence as a resourceYet to rateReducing violence along internal bordersYet to rateReducing violence against the handicappedYet to rateReducing violence against minoritiesYet to rateReducing violence against indigenous minoritiesYet to rateReducing violenceYet to rateReducing urban violenceYet to rateReducing structural violenceYet to rateReducing state-supported violence against citizensYet to rateReducing sexual violenceYet to rateReducing sectarian violenceYet to rateReducing political violenceYet to rateReducing police force violenceYet to rateReducing mob violenceYet to rateReducing incitement to violenceYet to rateReducing incidence of warYet to rateReducing incidence of violent deathsYet to rateReducing incidence of violent computer gamesYet to rateReducing impact of violent newsYet to rateReducing gun violenceYet to rateReducing fear of violenceYet to rateReducing electoral violenceYet to rateReducing civil violenceYet to rateReducing acceptance of violenceYet to rateProviding alternatives to violenceYet to rateProtesting violent repression of demonstrationsYet to ratePortraying violenceYet to rateOpposing violence to prisonersYet to rateMinimizing cross-border violenceYet to rateManaging violent conflictYet to rateManaging violent childrenYet to rateManaging psychological violenceYet to rateManaging hot weather violenceYet to rateManaging genetically determined violenceYet to rateManaging criminal violence and disordersYet to rateMaking violent political threatsYet to rateInvestigating domestic violenceYet to rateIncreasing public awareness of the impact of violence in societyYet to rateIncreasing impact of violent newsYet to rateInciting violenceYet to rateExploiting violent revolutionYet to rateEngaging in violent revolutionYet to rateEmploying violenceYet to rateEmploying domestic violenceYet to rateCountering conventional understanding of warYet to rateCorrecting criminal violenceYet to rateChoosing violent deathYet to rateCausing violent deathsYet to rateCampaigning against violenceYet to rateBefriending violent parents in publicYet to rateAccepting violenceYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesSubjectSocietal problems » MaltreatmentContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024