UncreativeBroaderOriginality-ImitationPresentableIntelligence-UnintelligencePresentableImaginativeness-UnimaginativenessPresentableProblemInhibited capacity to visualize a creative futurePresentableInadequate research on proposed solutions to problemsPresentableDestructive verbal conflictPresentablePassive leadershipYet to rateDiscouraged creative potentialYet to rateStrategyExpanding social participation of womenPresentableTransforming uncreative vocal conflictYet to rateStructuring creative engagementYet to rateStimulating creative local competitionYet to rateSignalling local creative possibilitiesYet to rateScheduling creative cultural celebrationsYet to rateReducing creative accountingYet to rateRe-evaluating corporate welfareYet to rateProviding creative weekly entertainmentYet to rateProviding creative therapyYet to rateProviding creative leadershipYet to rateProviding creative inputYet to rateProviding creative domestic trainingYet to rateProviding creative after-school activitiesYet to rateProviding additional gathering placesYet to rateProviding accountability structureYet to ratePromoting new creative imagesYet to rateOrganizing creative local involvementYet to rateOrganizing creative community happeningsYet to rateOffering effective leadership methodsYet to rateMaking creative building improvementsYet to rateMaintaining grassroots issues dialogueYet to rateInternalizing creative sexuality within familyYet to rateInitiating creative job experienceYet to rateImproving access to creative works through translationYet to rateImplementing creative childcare structuresYet to rateHolding creative youth competitionsYet to rateGuiding local creative talentYet to rateFostering creative engagementYet to rateFostering creative corporate competitionYet to rateForging common creative consensusYet to rateExpanding creative primal imagesYet to rateEvolving creative modelsYet to rateEnhancing creative community participationYet to rateEngaging human creativityYet to rateEncouraging creative demonstration of sexualityYet to rateEnabling creative social engagementYet to rateEliciting creative participationYet to rateDisplaying diverse creative formsYet to rateDeveloping creative use of by-productsYet to rateDeveloping creative strategies against problemsYet to rateDeveloping creative individual abilitiesYet to rateDemonstrating new agricultural methodsYet to rateDemonstrating creative space useYet to rateDeciding technological innovation feasibilityYet to rateCultivating creative initiativeYet to rateCreating desired futuresYet to rateConstructing creative play articlesYet to rateCatalyzing awakened potentialityYet to rateAdvancing creative educationYet to rateAcknowledging creative performanceYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024