Common senseBroaderMeaning-MeaninglessnessPresentableIntuition-ReasonPresentableIntelligence-UnintelligencePresentableProblemGender dysphoriaExcellentJurisdictional conflict and antagonism among regional intergovernmental organizations with common membershipPresentableInsufficient common land in urban environmentsPresentableInadequate sense of personal identityPresentableInadequate arrangement of housing with respect to common landPresentableErosion of collective consensusPresentableCulicine mosquitoes as vectors of diseasePresentableCommon coldPresentableAbsurdityPresentableAbandonmentPresentableUnimaginative social behaviourYet to rateUndervaluation of natural capitalYet to rateTopocideYet to rateThreatened species of Vombatus ursinus ursinusYet to rateThreatened species of VespertilionidaeYet to rateThreatened species of Trichosurus vulpecula hyopoleucusYet to rateThreatened species of Tragelaphus oryxYet to rateThreatened species of Trachemys scriptaYet to rateThreatened species of Sminthopsis murina tateiYet to rateThreatened species of Pristis pristisYet to rateThreatened species of Phalanger intercastellanusYet to rateThreatened species of Litoria rheocolaYet to rateThreatened species of Cyprinus carpioYet to rateThreatened species of CyprinusYet to rateThreatened species of Alcelaphus buselaphusYet to rateThreatened species of Acipenser sturioYet to rateSymptoms of sense organ diseasesYet to rateLack of solidarity with the poorYet to rateLack of commitment to common symbolsYet to rateInsufficient common experienceYet to rateImpairments of kinaesthesisYet to rateGroup mindYet to rateFalse sense of securityYet to rateExpert disparagement of common senseYet to rateDisorders of the sense organsYet to rateDesacralization of lifeYet to rateDebilitating poverty imageYet to rateCommon liver flukeYet to rateCommon chiggerYet to rateCholetithiasisYet to rateStrategyUsing multi-disciplinary approaches to common property regimesPresentableReforming common agricultural policyPresentableProviding basic educationPresentablePromoting use of common world languagePresentableEnabling common marketsPresentableDisseminating common heritagePresentableWearing common symbolic clothingYet to rateUsing nonsenseYet to rateUsing local government management of common property resourcesYet to rateUsing common symbolsYet to rateUsing common senseYet to rateUsing common agricultural implementsYet to rateUpholding common expressionsYet to rateUpholding common acceptance of conferred legal powersYet to rateUpgrading existing common facilitiesYet to rateUpdating methods of common productionYet to rateTransmitting human wisdomYet to rateTransforming special common areasYet to rateTeaching common monetary guidelinesYet to rateSystematizing socializationYet to rateSupporting building researchYet to rateSummoning social skills for maintaining social integrityYet to rateStudying diseases of the sense organsYet to rateStudying common polityYet to rateStudying basic religious truthsYet to rateStrengthening cooperation between developing countriesYet to rateStabilizing social organization through common voiceYet to rateSharing common life experienceYet to rateSharing common farming costsYet to rateServicing across common frontiersYet to rateSenseYet to rateRitualizing common lifeYet to rateResearching to create awareness of common destinyYet to rateRequiring diversified output of common resourcesYet to rateReminding of importance of common ritesYet to rateReleasing common economic potentialYet to rateReleasing common creativity for corporate welfareYet to rateReinventing the commonsYet to rateRehearsing common storyYet to rateRehearsing common ritesYet to rateRegulating common economic systemYet to rateReenacting common heritageYet to rateReducing loss of common open spacesYet to rateRecognizing communal interestsYet to rateRecognizing common lawYet to rateReasoning with common senseYet to ratePublishing globally common newspaperYet to rateProviding outdoor community facilitiesYet to rateProviding input material for common productionYet to rateProviding human energy for common productionYet to rateProviding essential power to use material resourcesYet to rateProviding common servicesYet to rateProviding common resourcesYet to rateProviding common public facilitiesYet to rateProviding common legal framework for allYet to rateProviding additional gathering placesYet to rateProviding a forumYet to rateProtecting common welfareYet to ratePromoting English as second language of EuropeYet to rateProjecting directions of common productionYet to rateProducing nonsenseYet to rateProcuring common transport vehiclesYet to rateProcuring common sales outletsYet to ratePrivatizing common landYet to ratePreserving sense of timeYet to ratePreserving sense of placeYet to ratePreserving sacrednessYet to ratePreserving propriety image of common lawYet to ratePreserving foundational necessity of common lawYet to ratePreserving common valuesYet to ratePreserving common religionYet to ratePreserving common past heritageYet to ratePreserving collective sense of orderYet to ratePortraying communitarian senseYet to ratePlacing demand upon common productionYet to ratePermeating common mindYet to ratePerforming common neighbourhood tasksYet to rateOverriding rights to common propertyYet to rateOrganizing common skill groupsYet to rateOrganizing common group venturesYet to rateOrdering common citizenshipYet to rateObtaining common responsibilityYet to rateMeeting common neighbourhood needsYet to rateManaging resourcesYet to rateManaging pastoral common property regimesYet to rateMaking senseYet to rateMaintaining common style for corporate welfareYet to rateMaintaining common styleYet to rateMaintaining common expectationsYet to rateMaintaining common community memoryYet to rateMaintaining attractive common spaceYet to rateLowering common supply costsYet to rateLimiting consumption of common assetsYet to rateIntroducing variations of using common resourcesYet to rateIntroducing common economic customsYet to rateInitiating common researchYet to rateInitiating common baby careYet to rateIncreasing community management of forestsYet to rateImproving sense of timeYet to rateImproving sense of personal identityYet to rateImproving arrangement of housing with respect to common landYet to rateImproving access to informationYet to rateIdentifying significant common spaceYet to rateHolding land in commonYet to rateGenerating common cultural memoryYet to rateFostering common community interchangeYet to rateFormulating common economic policyYet to rateFormulating a common defence policyYet to rateFormalizing common participationYet to rateForging distinctive common styleYet to rateForging common creative consensusYet to rateExtending common recreational areasYet to rateExposing limitations of methods for resource utilizationYet to rateExploring common property rights in semi-arid and saline areasYet to rateExpanding common grazing herdYet to rateEstablishing resources for common defenceYet to rateEstablishing community symbolic spaceYet to rateEstablishing common fiscal mechanismsYet to rateEstablishing common defenceYet to rateEstablishing basic labour forceYet to rateEschewing sense of community within developing countriesYet to rateEnriching community global awarenessYet to rateEnjoying absurdityYet to rateEnhancing common tenant effortYet to rateEngineering common productionYet to rateEnabling procedural alternatives in judicial processYet to rateEnabling practical community planningYet to rateEnabling common understanding of social rulesYet to rateEnabling common health methodsYet to rateEmpowering unifying common symbolsYet to rateDramatizing common community initiativeYet to rateDiversifying local economiesYet to rateDistributing common farm benefitsYet to rateDisparaging common senseYet to rateDiscovering common situationsYet to rateDeveloping sense of permanenceYet to rateDeveloping resourcesYet to rateDeveloping common policy on regional aggressionYet to rateDeveloping common energy marketYet to rateDeveloping common cultural heritageYet to rateDeveloping bulk purchasing schemeYet to rateDeveloping better community marketsYet to rateDetermining common future directionsYet to rateDestroying sense of placeYet to rateDesigning common juridical rulesYet to rateDesigning common distributionYet to rateDesignating existing community spaceYet to rateDemonstrating appropriate common methodsYet to rateDemanding social fabricYet to rateDemanding exploitation of common resourcesYet to rateDemanding conformity to guidelines for common defenceYet to rateDemanding common statement of social codesYet to rateDelivering necessary public utilitiesYet to rateDefining common standards for creditYet to rateDefending common interests of businessYet to rateDeepening common global awarenessYet to rateCultivating common history appreciationYet to rateCreating unifying symbolsYet to rateCreating new commonsYet to rateCreating corporate care eventsYet to rateCreating community ritualsYet to rateCreating common economic systemYet to rateCreating common cooking centreYet to rateCreating common activity nodeYet to rateCorrecting disorders of sense organsYet to rateCoordinating specific common effortsYet to rateConstructing public buildingsYet to rateConstructing common storage spaceYet to rateConstructing common recreational facilitiesYet to rateCommunicating common visions to younger generationYet to rateCommemorating historical eventsYet to rateClarifying common care areasYet to rateChallenging social realityYet to rateBuilding common local concernYet to rateArticulating common consensusYet to rateAgreeing about international prioritiesYet to rateAdopting common external tariffYet to rateAdjusting methodologies for resource utilizationYet to rateActing as individual nucleus of common ethicYet to rateAcknowledging common moresYet to rateAbstaining from common international policyYet to rateAbstaining from common ethicYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesSubjectConsciousness ยป ConsciousnessContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024